If you want to be sure your furnace is ready for winter, so it doesn’t break down when it’s freezing outside...then this will be the most important message you’ll ever read. Here’s why.
Vincent’s Heating & Cooling, one of the most respected service companies in Buffalo, will perform a Precision Tune-Up and Safety Inspection of your furnace for a special low price this month.
But more importantly, Vincent’s guarantees that if your furnace breaks down for any reason this winter, you’ll receive a...
100% refund of your money...no questions asked!
Best of all, this Precision Tune-Up will pay for itself.
Here’s how.
During the winter your furnace gets dirty and becomes less efficient. It gets out of alignment and wears out about twice as fast as it should.
Most furnaces that haven't been maintained die in "middle age" and use up to 53% more gas than they need to.
This Precision Tune-Up is like having your furnace restored to almost "factory fresh" condition.
That means it could save you up to $100 in gas – and make your furnace last longer. Don't wait any longer. Just pick up the phone and call Vincent's Heating at (716) 634-4700